Phoenix, Brunch and VueJS: Part 3

Phoenix + Vue + Brunch

Phoenix, Brunch and VueJS - Part 3: routing with Vue-Router

Client-side routing became a common pattern. So many applications are designed as Single Page Applications, and it requires a system to map page addresses to page components.

VueJS gives us Vue-Router, a tool that allows us to do that client-side URL mapping.

Let’s see how to use it!

Installing Vue-Router dependency

The first step in order to use Vue Router, is to install this new component. We can do that simply installing a new NPM package called vue-router, pretty simple, isn’t it?

phoenix_vue/ $ cd assets
../assets/   $ npm install --save vue-router

After having vue-router installed, using it is a blaze.

Enabling Vue-Router in our Vue application

In order to play with Vue-Router, we need to tell Vue that we are using this new tool.

It is pretty straight forward to do that, first, we import VueRouter in our app.js:

import VueRouter from 'vue-router'

After importing Vue-Router inside our app.js file, we tell Vue to use this new component:


Now our application is Vue-Router enabled!

A second Hello World component

In order to test Vue-Router, we need to create a new component. Let’s keep it very simple and build a component similar to Hello.vue component, we created in the previous post.

We will name it: world.vue (and now we have Hello World! Amazing, isn’t it?)

Open a new file assets/js/vue/world.vue:

    <input type="text" v-model="name" placeholder="Your name to yell"></input>
    <button @click.prevent="doYell">Yell my name</button>

<style scoped>
  a {
    color: #AA9080;
    background-color: #2020AA;

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        name: ''
    methods: {
      doYell() {
        var name =;

This is very similar to Hello.vue, but instead of saying, it will YELL. Very creative!

Besides creating this new component, we also need to import it in assets/js/app.js to make it visible for Vue-Router routes:

import World from './vue/world.vue'

We are done with this new World.vue component, let’s create some routes!

Creating our first routes

Now we have two components, hello.vue and world.vue, we can define some routes inside Vue-Router, inside assets/js/app.js, after using Vue, let’s define a object that maps some urls to components:

const routes = [
  {path: '/', component: Hello},
  {path: '/my-hello', component: Hello},
  {path: '/my-world', component: World}

These routing rules are pretty basic, we define a default component for / and two urls, one for each of our Hello.vue World.vue components.

Instancing our Vue-Router

We have two components, we have some routes defined, let’s apply them to our sandbox!

The first step is to instance Vue-Router with our defined routes:

const router = new VueRouter({

With this small piece of code, we are instancing VueRouter with our defined routes, after that, we only need to mount VueRouter somewhere.

Mounting Vue-Router

Mounting in Vue is the act of applying a component in our so loved HTML DOM, we do that by creating a new Vue instance with our router:

const app = new Vue({

We will be mounting in a new div called #router-main, let’s add this new div to web/templates/page/index.html.eex:

<h1>Vue-Router playground</h1>
<div id="router-main">
  <router-link to="/my-hello">Hello</router-link>
  <router-link to="/my-world">World</router-link>

Inside this #router-main div, we have two new concepts: router-view and router-link. A router-view is where Vue-Router will place it’s currently routed component. A router-link is a Vue-Router tool to generate their routing links.


We learned how to install, import and use Vue-Router. Also, we created some sample routes and placed the router-view and some router-links in the sandbox project.

Here is the resulting component displayed in our browser:

Phoenix - Routing with Vue Router

GitHub Repository

This guide source code was posted at:

Each commit represents one step.


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